January 6, 2009


Hey guys.
Now i want to blame something that i
hate it.
now days stupid new law has come out.
Tax and salary sucks a-lot of money to us
and also most of the working ppl.

11things that i hate.
1.buy Japanese album need tax-in okay already.
some more you order at shop charge you more Rm30.
2. Seat belt. F**k...
3. The food hygiene agent at Malaysia useless.
4. Lolita custom worse. Malaysia sales one is already outdated.
if Japan order come here. Most are old cheap stocks.
5. some movie name also change by Malaysia.
6. Some famous movie from other country din't have showing
at Malaysia.
7. All CD album in Malaysia all expensive that Singapore and whole country.
8. Internet line Sucks.
9. Malay and indians many of them cannot be trust.
10. And... low salary for all work.
11. Cellphone.. Expensive.

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