August 19, 2008

Music... Part of my life...

Hmm~ Music.?

What Kind of music i listen everday?
Make it simple to tell ya~
have few types of music i love to listen~

wow? wats dat? haha~

erm... Visual Rock(means positive rock),
techno(not like pasar malam music),R n B~,
Love song, speacial song(mean dat like
someting nver heard b4 la)...

1st dat i wan to say about is...Visual Rock..
means is positive rock..Japanese rock band song..
I most like and love is..The GazettE..
Everyday i must hear alot~Coz... The drum and bass bit
make me feel exicted, double guitar effect...
Nice meaning lyrics... This band...
i like their albums is.."stacked rubbish" and "红莲 Guren"

stacked rubbish inside all the songs..
hav diffrent kind of fell 2 fell the rock..
There hav sum songs i like it~

1st song.. "Art Drawn By vomit"
mis all the song remix at front,
behind wit RnB stlye to Sing..
wit scrathing DJ~

2nd song.. "Agony"
ya knw... whats meaning is Agony?
is the mean very great pain or
sufering of mind or body... when i get mad,
angry just listen dis song..nice feeling with nice lyrics~

3rd song.. "Hyena"
hyena is the meaning as wild as crazy
thirsty wit yr mind to yr dreams~
hmm, actually dis song really quite nice,a
bit heavy rock.. like da meaning..when thinking about my dream~

4th song.. "Burial Applicant"
actually b4 i heard dis song..
i see the MV in Youtube...
is very quie nice i listen it~
and the MTV brings a lot of meaning..nice video..
hope u guys find out the feelingshide in our heart...
when u find dis video.. just find wit subtitle...
and is english sub... will explain this song...

5th song... "Regret"
this song is i 1st time
fall in love at this band... RnB with heavy rock..
when u listen just like listen anime song~really~
i like da guitar solo there~Aww~!!! MV also not bad.. haha~

6th song... "Filth in the Beauty"
heavy rock wit nice jamming song...
1word dat i can say...NICE!!!!!!!!

7th song... "Circle of Swindler"
heavy stlye and lyrics is bout the
working reallity of betwwen boss and employee ba
~haha~ just listen~ kaka~
i quite enjoylisten of it...

8th song... "Chizuru"
Sad rock song feeling~
wow~ guitar effect... i dare u dat
cannot imagin how 2 do it~i love the chorus~ kaka~

hmm~ dis is the album inside i most love it so~
hmm~ and i also like da Guren and kugutsu~
haha~ damn nice dunno how 2 explain 2 ya~
haha~ ok~ u can chat wit me bout dis at msn or...
comment~ haha~ ok dats all~ hehe~ thx 4 read my blog~

Single album... "Filth in the Beacty"...
speacial edition~

Guren album 1st art~

Kugutsu傀儡绘... hmm~ the 2nd album art of
guren ...

erm... Stacked Rubbish album~ i love it so~

sorry dat din hav sum picha i take by myself~
i sure next blog sure have my picture~haha~
wait ya~

August 15, 2008

About me.. Lol~

yayaya~hmm~ erm...
today blog about who am i...
hehe~ actually u guys really knw about me?
haha~ ok... mayb this bout can tellu that how is a person am i...
and also u just fell that what person am i..
love me or hate me~ haha~just hav alook~

As you know that... My name is Cyrus..
IC name is Chern Kah Chun...
so thats why i post my blog chernkc..
so.. birthday is October20 1990...
erm.. my height ar? erm maybe 172 ba...
now still teenager still can grow up~
Hobbies? What thing that i like and love to do it?
ermm... ya.. basicly i love do the stuff
and the line is connection with art..
yes... i love art.. is part of my life now...
i love to draw , design , think something creative,
visual kei, play drum,finding chord at piano,
admire Masked rider S.i.C, Graffty,
using mouse to draw,think some movie to make at Church,
dance poppin,play fashion, read M's magazine..

The Most important is..I love to take picture..
As long you guys see my blog, can see many picture
i take from anywhere...yeah.. i like to notice everywhere...
ten i can take these picture to let y'all now...
whats happening is happen at my side,
my lifestlye and also my art..
Usually i using my phone take these all.
For God sake... Ya.. and really that i using phone with 2megapixal~
are u belive it? haha~ in digital camera inside the phone,
have many basic useful stuff to help us snap a nice picture.
I can not say that my picture is very nice...
hmm~ ofcause i am not pro like pro photographer...
but i wish to be a professional photographer,
this job also can be my partime... haha...
cause i also want tolauch my dream become a artistic pastry chef...

Take picture, is the meaning that...
what u see and then waht u snap...
for me, taking picture is mean to keep
yr memories and also to remember the
thing happen at yr side and yr life..
i starting take picture is in this year...
hmm... have a long lovely story about it~
hahaha~ i think i write it next time...

now i wan to let u knw what
music i listen everyday~hehe~
want to knw?
haha~ wait my next blog post ba~haha... lol~

This picture, i take when i goin bac home..
lol.. XD~

Take at ioi bus stop~ hmm... how izzit?

Take with micro mode.. flowers~

too blue~ hmm... edit...

Lomo stlye~ hehe~ thats me~

August 14, 2008

Hmm... more picha soon>? less word.. haha.. lol~

hmm~ lol.. these few weeks just upload alot of picture,
actually this is my stlye to write blog,
just wan 2 show what kind of thing i see i face i knw,
just wanna snap a pic and post it here..
and let ya guys enjoy and knw more bout our enviroment,

ya... sumtimes people and friends ask me that
using what kind of camera to take picture?
hmm~ i just using my phone.. model is Motorola V3X..
ya.. is really.. i damn love this handphone...
really help me alot in take picha.. haha~

so u guys just continue wait my picture and
read my blog always.... if can just give a lovely comment
2 let me know wats yr feel and wats yr idea 2 let me knw..
love me or hate me~ ya~ just post it... now... just enjoy the picha~

This little fella i found at M.I.B~
waliao... want 2 tell Mr.Don or not?

this is when at nitez~ me , my brother
and justin go 2 petronas yum cha,
suddenly my brother hav some idea to take picha...
hmmm.~ ATM is gonna smash by he~
haha~ lol~

Jabyss like her alot...
just kiss her... i swear to God...
he really kiss the signboard... lol~

In the morning, after take the train
kelana jaya to taman jaya...
go down to the stairs, just notice that
these flowers also can take picha...
hmmm... just twist a bit my mind...
and snap it~ how izzit? okie?

hmm... may b dis 1 not so nice la...
coz not yet become flower~
or the flower still sleeping?

i can say that these kind of plant,
i really pround of them... u knw y?
coz they also can grow out from
the wall... hmmm~ hav y'all guys
have notice it? These plant giv me alot of meaning~

this is the feeling make driver scare bout it~
shit Rapid... so close to the car...

when go back home from college...
just feel like sumthing wrong with my hand..
aiyo~ hav a scar there.. dunno when
i hurt 1~ lol~ not so serius just little pain~

August 11, 2008

Lol.... Hav a funny day with friends...

these ring... i can say that,
everyday i wear 1... hmm...

hmmm... u guess wahat is the time
my dad drop me at the Kelana Jaya
train station there? hmm...
early in the morning... time is...
06.43 a.m.

waliao~ no ppl 1..
as u knw dat every morning...
0720 till 0830 is most many
ppl that wait and standing here...
i fell so empty leh~ lol~
hahaha~ actually i wan 2 try 2 dance leh~

Aiks... i miss the station... actually
i wan stop at the Taman Jaya 1...
just day dream untill 4 get liao...
summore the train also din hav say da
annocment... sh*t la~ make me hav more time
take picture~ hahaha~ loL~

haha~ i dare to stand~ so wat?
why so serious? hahahaha~

finally other side train cum oledi~
just snap a picha~ haha~ see~
looks like empty train..

when tumpang seen hui car...
just notice the myvi is bured oledi~
den take lo~
actually we drive very slow at highway leh~
haha~ sorry seen hui~ hahaha~

just wan 2 remember the place we park~
hmm~ nice angle?
i m pro~ lol~

little is perfoming her competition...
ice skating~

so boring... just take onli la~
nice efect... looks like got 2 me inside~

wulala~ cyrus in the screen~

nowdays.. the bag designer also can create
these bag such like this! wulala~
Car bag~

when we rest at jusco there...
den.. i just buy da takoyaki..
den sunddenly, i saw the puandan there...
behind the tako stall there~
wtf.... just take a picha haha~
lucky they dunno~

Takoyaki~ 4boxes~ haha~
full enough...

finally my friendster... haha~
comment reach 999 liao~
hahaha~ waoh~ dunno when 9999?
haha~ lol~

August 10, 2008

Saturday...the day i always laugh alot~ hahaha~

Allen is the game master of the day...
haha~ june is try 2 kacau onli~
lol~(allen is black shirt, june is brown 1)

I can knw that, boys really have
the energy and power 2 play,
aiks.. u see gurls~

They are ready 2 play~

June is ready~ lol~

3 mang ka hi~ June ,Sim and oscar~

i think they are ready~ haha~

justin with a nerd face, haha~

June is bu shuang now. coz allen just scold
him that dun playplay~

hmm... so glad these 2 fella can join us
and play 2gather. just hope that next week
can c them again.

what are u doin? sim~

why he so ham sap~ lol~

Eunice is jumping~ shit camera~
cannot take clearly~

now his turn~

June is crazy now... i now to stop him...
coz he wan 2 disturd other group~

Weiling is help allen 2 put the ballon~
coz allen wan 2 challege the winner..

waliao~ wat da $%^&~

here is the winner want 2 challege
allen... Sim Chye~

June so funny... haha~ 3ballons leh~

after the youth, Allen is plan to going pyramid
see the Mummy3... Hmm... Just hav a look~
o lala~

hmm... after going to parking, waiting the lift,
just snap a picture.... Memories~

Well~ i m boring...

when go to the cinema, before we go inside to see movie,
we goin to toilet to release our water.
coz we dun wan when we enjoying suddenly the "water"
nid to cum out~ den how? so we just going to toilet,
when i go inside, i saw this toilet bowl got blood...
what the f**k... how dis guy pee 1? disgusting..

Yuck~ asshole....

Cinema~ huhu~

is gonna start now, hehe~

hmm... after we finish the movie, we
also going to toilet release la...
after that me and allen just snap a
picha infront the mirror.. wow~

hmm~ cool effect.... haha~ memories~

hmm... 3 gay.. haha~ just kidding..
Jabyss, allen and sim~

before we going back... and i just take
again the picture...

standing at parking... hmm.. lol~

come out from the light tunnel...
idea from me~

Thanks allen that help me take a nice angles,
haha~ wow~ posing so serious~