August 4, 2008

the life dat i enjoying everyday(monday to friday in SEM2~)...

For me... i am the person who don't like so many people around me...
erm, mayb that i seldom talk with them..
maybe i dun knw them, mayb i like alone..alone for me,
actualy i very like 2 b alone by my self.
just wanna stay away place that alot of noise,
just wan 2 relax to feel da silent with looking around what is happening.
like to see ppl emotion, the real reality person to each of da people(human).
sumtimes just wan 2 see sum acident happening at my side,coz...
i wan take sum picture dat i never take b4,
is because i wan 2 improve my creative skill in my mind..
summore i just wan 2 show ppl knw dat i m a creative and artisty guy...
haha~ i quite enjoy i b alone, coz i also wan 2 knw more bout wat is happening around of me,
just wan 2 see the skies, the building,the diffrent country ppl.
and diffrent kind of bus,diffrent ppl... lol~
i also like 2 listen music dat i enjoying i looking around,
the music i listen hv few kind,the 1st is the most i like is,
is japanese 1,j-rock visual band... The GazettE..
with their 2 album Stacked Rubbish and Guren...2nd is Jay chou song,
his 3rd album the most i like,
Funky Monkeys Babys and sum dance song..c
oz i also like 2 dance also~
like 2 enjoy the every moment in the music..hmmm... bla bla bla..
2day is the most lazy blog~ lol~

wulala... this pic dat i take long time i not yet post b4~lol~

written by me.. these word.. i love it so much~


the antz wit the flower,this pic is i take when i hanging around at my stay area..

hmmm.. this pic is i goin 2 pcfair when jaming at KLCc road side i
take at my dad car...


埃索迪斯 said...

Don't be crazy, accident is not fun at all. -_-"

Creativity & ideas come from everywhere la..

Unknown said...

Do enjoy your life =)