Ailalala~ Ah mei want me to write.~ ok la~ just write~幸福點點名遊戲規則回答下列問題,並貼到自己的網誌or報台寫完後,自己多加一個問題然後傳給十個人,可以點被點過的人,被你點到的人你要去跟他說,我點到你了。寫完後去跟點到你的人說「我寫完了」不可以不寫喔,不然幸福就會跑掉喔~
1.我的大名 :Cyrus 雅岚
2.我的生日 : 20/10/90
3.誰傳給你的 : Angie
4.說出五個好朋友 : Rick , Allen , Stephen , Micheal & Weilim + Zhong sheng.
5.生日想要得到什麼禮物 : Yamaha drum kit.
6.近期開心的是 : Collect Gundam SD.
7.近期壓力大的是 : no money.
8.未來想做什麼: low profile rich guy.
9.有沒有喜歡的人 : no.
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎 : depends which teacher.
11.跟誰出去最幸福 : my family and my best friends.
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : tell them dont act like kids.
14.聖誕節要做啥 : go someplaces cold eat steamboat.
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節 : friends and family.
16.有沒有起床气 : depends.
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹 : One younger brother, and one more sex unknown in my mama stomuch.
18.最喜歡的一首歌(女生的) : Katy Perry - One of the boys
19.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) : The GazettE - Distress and Coma
20.喜歡什麼顏色 : Black, white and grey.
21.上廁所會不會先沖水 : yes-des.
22.愛不愛我 : ok la. depends.
23.喜歡男生還是女生 : not Gay, like girls.
24.最想大聲說什麼 : Ah~ It Just a Broken Game!!!! (just scream)
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : dare. toilet just bside my room.
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : bullshit question.
27.誰很欠打 : the fella who create the kiki Katkat TAG!!
28.現在很迷什麼 : Gachapon, SD Gundam and The GazettE
29.睡相很差 : depends. ask my mom she knw.
30.現在的時間 : 9.21pm
31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : ok ok la... damn mafan.
32.體重多少 : ***********kg?
33.今天天氣 : Suxx.
34.你懷孕了嗎 : u think i can meh.
35.你若中樂透最想做什么 : play drum 24 hours non stop.
36.大學生一定要玩的活動 : Some thing can make a big joke la.
37.如果能為彩虹添加一種顏色 你選: silver ba. No idea.
2. Sapphire
3. Jabyss
4. gan
5. An an
6. Wei lim
7. zhong sheng
8. xian lin
9. Alan
02-【10號是男還是女】:boy , is a kids.
03-【 8號的興趣是】:see comic. mostly borrow from me.
04-【1號有沒有兄弟姐妹】:1 sister 1 brother.
05-【7號姓氏】: Phang.
06-【10號人緣好嗎】:depends. he just talk with some people like Gundam and dragon balls.
07-【4號有人追嗎】:i always wish that got people chase him.
08-【承上2號呢】:i think just a girl bestfriend.
09-【6號喜歡的顏色是】:black. always wear dark color.
10-【3號和10號是朋友嗎】:in future maybe.
11-【8號的生日是】:i think is oct 7
12-【5號讀哪呢】:same college with me.
13-【你怎麼認識10號的】: college des~
14-【你跟1號的生日差幾個月】:1 month.
15-【你和9號有出去玩過嗎】:got. when form1 to form3
16-【你喜歡和2號聊天嗎】:ok ar. quite funny.
17-【你喜歡和3號在一起嗎】:he is my brother. who share my problems and his problems. sure ok la.
18-【你覺得7號人怎樣】:gay~ just kidding. Talk to much and Jay Chou fans.
19-【你覺得9號人怎麼樣】:cool , leng zai. yeng.
20-【你愛5號嗎】:just friend. not love feel. lolx.
1.是誰傳給你這份問卷的 : Angie
2.你們認識多久呢 : forget liao.
3.你覺得他(她)對你來說很重要嗎 : Important! becoz she looks like me and like my lil.sista.
4.你與他(她)的關係是 : Brother and sista.
5.請問他(她)的興趣是 : Kiss alice nice picture ba.... Love Hello kitty alotz~
6.你覺得他(她)的個性如何 : Unexpected , playful , creative and enjoying lifestyle.
7.他(她)在你心目中是幾分 :erm... no marks~ i dun like count.
*睡覺前第一件事 :set alarm.
*起床前第一件事 :switch off the alarm
*你的偶像是 : the GazettE ruki and kai.
*你喜歡的季節 : winter.
*你打工過嗎 : sure got.
*打工次數 : 4
*你想去的國家 : Japan , korean , new york and India.
*你討厭什麼樣的個性 : Kiki kat kat. back-Stab me around.
*你常哭嗎 : depends.
*你常笑嗎 : depends.
*去玩時喜歡一個人去嗎 :depends. sometime lone is to my mind clear.
*是假日時你都睡到幾點 : 11pm afternoon.
*今天的天氣是(晴 雨 陰): unknown.
*朋友和情人你會選擇 : both.
*機會和命運你會選擇 :chance.
*你很自戀嗎 : see my picture. u sure know.
*這問卷多不多 :ma beh... now onli ask this shit question.
*要怎樣才能讓自己過的好一點 : play drum. stress release.
*喜欢吃什么 : japanese crusine.
*喜歡吃冰嗎 : depends.
*現在幸福嗎 : ok ok la.
*最在乎哪幾個朋友 : all.
*房間裡最重要的東西是什麼 : toys, action figure and my clothes~
*你认为人生的意义是什么 : live with dreams , sucess everywords we say.
*你知道吗?(看你们怎么回答!): know wat?
*什么时候最讨厌我 : do wrong decissions.
*向往出世抑或入世,向往道家抑或儒家? : olala. bullshit question~ Next~~!
*你喜欢吃什么蛋糕? : tiramisu and cheese cake.
*请问这个游戏可以停止了吗? : please.... stop.
*喜欢沙丁鱼吗^^? : f**k. please dun ask lap sap question anymore. i behtahan liao.
*谁是你的知己? : depends.
*IQ/EQ哪一个比较高? : EQ better that IQ.
*電腦还是手機? : both. stupid question.
*比较喜欢睡觉还是玩? : play.
*Friendster 还是 Facebook ? : both dont like. lag.
*What is your cellphone model? : Nokia 5610xm and motorola v3x
*SHMILY???-----<-----"wat the f**k?"
::Conclusion::MCB. i cant belive i finish all question!!!