April 4, 2010

Finally have copycat following my style

Hey... My friends , buddy & family!
And my blog readers!!
Since you guys see my blog so long.
As long you all know my style, bit vintage.
And feels like MJ and Japan Style.
How ever, today my best buddy -Jovi
and my lovely charming frenz- Sharon.
Tell me that a guy called "***y w***"
who is freaking ever at college. Everyone
know bout it. He uploading new picture, is totally
75% matching my style, somemore writing those
disgusting describe at the album. I wanna vomit.
By the way, copy is a good thing, but see situation
and people lar. Around Facebook is "CCTV",
they been so long see my style , and admit like that dy.
You wear like that, aiks. I dint say you are wrong lar.
Maybe "ngam ngam hou" you think creative idea lar.
Who knws? By the way, how ever u see my blog and
follow. Please tell me, i will help you design you way and style.
By the way, those picture and your new evolution style....
TOTALLY not SUIT you. Please think about it.
God bless. :D

Frenz and Family..
And my beloved readers.
Please compare :)

The COPYcat.

Lolx. It is my pressure
to help you edit up my vintage style.
No thanks!


1eyelady said...

LOL~ This copy cat I know~ But If have people copy you, then he is become your fans loh~ Because he like to wear like his Idol mah~ haha~
however he copy, he also can't copy all~ because you is handsom then he ah~ haha.... '-^

Cyrus Chern said...

what the.. u really geng!
btw. thanks for say that! =D

Cyrus Chern said...

what the fuck! comments delete?

Anonymous said...

OMG! What on earth is that creature? He looks so down syndrome, has disease and horrible face. He is so fucking ugly. With that style, clearly copy you. Evolution. Ask him fuck off.

Cyrus Chern said...

o? thx to say that.
pity him be like that.